Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Beginning of An Era

Hey all,
We'll this is my first post here, I've decided to start blogging about my PUA chronicles instead of simply mentally storing each sarge and recalling it from my mind (which has a bad habit of forgetting absolutely everything, especially while drinking...). That way I and I guess you can reflect on what I have done right, things I need to improve, and various different technologies that i have learnt to improve myself and you can use in your life to help improve yourself and your game.

To start off with im going to give you a rundown of where i am ATM. I've just come over another one of those huge decisions in my life (we'll it may shape my life for years to come). I've decided to forgo a relationship in order to improve my PUA skills and social skills in general, and it wasn't an easy decision, because this girl seriously has an amazing personality and its a personality I've been seeking for quite a while. I'm seeing 3 girls at the moment both who have their good sides and bad sides and all who I love to hang around and spend time with, however I must improve myself and get myself out of this rut that I oh so often dig myself.

It seems in my life I get above average in every field then stop, I just do fuck all for a while on that part of my life for a while. I realized the other day that the reason for this is that im relying far too much on my emotions to get ahead in life, my emotions empower me to make massive changes when I feel bad about something, but as soon as I feel good about it (but not amazingly awesome), my emotions stop giving me that feedback and my logical mind doesn't yet take over and power me foward to above above average and into the expert realms of any fields.

This has been seen with the gym, I started back in march 2006, gained 15KG by febrary 2007, then gained fuck all since. This is because before I didn't like my body and really wanted to be bigger, but now that I am an allright size I don't feel emotionally compelled to get bigger even though I really want to. My goal is to get to 80KG by the end of thsi year, 90KG by the end of next and 100KG by christmas 2009. By realizing my emotions aren't doing it for me and my logics going to have to take over last week I think I can make it (but otherwise I would have been doomed for). Im going to be working incredibly hard but I can do it, I can make that magic 80KG mark, just need to eat a fuckload and work out all the time. I also want to be cut, I can nearly see my abs now and soon the'll be showing through with just a bit more excercise :), don't want to be 80KG and be tubby, 10% BF or less for me :D.

We'll anyway thats enough rambling for me, have fun, hope you learn something here (or teach me something in my comments, question my motives, pull holes in my theories and I'll be grateful because it helps me learn and this helps me grow as a person), slander and flaming isn't accepted but constructive criticism rules, so dish it out in large servings (with less criticism than constrution preferrably)

Anyway this is me singing of,

Have fun,

-- Solace

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