Thursday, September 27, 2007

FR: Wheee

We'll tonight was a blast, despite being in a bad mood and being very tired (on the verge of collapsing) after getting home from work I went out. I'm doing this to improve myself and I've realized my emotions are just holding me back, telling me im too tired to go out. Sod them! shift is out and the newbies want me out so im going out!

So at 1am I head out to fridays. I've realized that I've been with a girl every day this week, yet I don't really like most of them (we'll I like them, not not a hell of a lot), thus I've had too much quantity and now im going to start working on quality, any girl who is below a 7 I will talk to but not number close (unless she has an awesome personality), as unfortunately I just don't have to time to see them :p.

First set is on the train, 2 black HB5's, nice little warmup set, just general fluff talk and conversation stuff don't think I threw in any routines (don't have time to game HB5's anymore ;)), one of the girls was 16 and using her sisters ID to try and get in, oh well, good luck to her :)

Get to fridays, met shift there, got cheap entry (wewt!) and meet up with the rest of the guys out tonight (its a newbie night :)). I love newbie kind of nights because they really get me into the mood to do sets, its like I have to prove to them that I can do this shit and im not all fluff. Thus I don't really have AA, just plow through sets and have fun, teaching others how its done, sort of like running my own bootcamp and I have to prove that i have the skills to seduce. Reminds me of the first night out with shift opening sets just to prove i could, which was both fun and eye-opening for me (because I always seem to have awesome game on these nights and on that night I actually netted 2 closes from 2 sets and I'm still seeing both those girls ^^).

The other time I've realized I do well is when im with someone else who's about my level of game and sarging, like actually opening sets and having fun, because when they do that I feel the urge to compete and like to see how well we can both do and push each other to being better and better. The times when my game is down is generally when im with others who are good but aren't approaching, or im with those better than me (although I love hanging out with those better than me so I can learn)

Anyway back to the sarge, met up with Dolce, GoldenGun and RandomDude (some guy not into gaming and very quiet, don't remember his name). Were just chatting when I turn around and spot a set of 2 cute asians, without thinking I just jump straight in and open with gay opener (mmm fallback routines) . fluff talk with them, make fun of them, and just have a good time, I find out their goals and dreams and also find out the weirdest things the've ever done (which come to think of it they never answered). It was a nice warmup set and I returned back to the guys in a nice warmed up state (I love sets that go past the opener, get me so into state). When I was taling to them and shift was winging the extra girl and her boyfriend (who came into the set half way through), my mind kept screaming to me "isolate! ISOLATE!" but for some reason I didn't (blehh), this is going to be something to work on.

I get some water and we start walking around, there is a nice 2 set so I shove dolce into it, he sits down straight away and starts gaming immediately (nice! most newbies shy away and run back to safety). We keep walking and I spy another 2set, this time I try and shove randomdude in (because goldengun has gone and randomdude is the only newbie left with me and shift), he doesn't budge and doesn't go in (blehh, boring).

Walk up to the other end, I open some girls with horse, they love it, then I bail (wtf)... yea im definitely improving on my not bailing but I've still got a little bit to go.

Go to the bar in the party area to get more water, find out who's party it is and give her a happy birthday hug and say hello to everyone, start talking to some random blonde next to me at the bar. She's into the conversation and then decides she's going to make her own drink at the bar, picks up a glass, grabs the raspberry cordial and some ice from behind the bar and makes herself a drink.... The barman comes over and just gives me the 0.o, wtf is that girl doing look, while she toddles away with her newly made concoction.

The guys point out that they think some other guy is gaming, I go over and open with vodka, find out he is gaming and then ask how he's doing (just got blown out). His friend comes back and he has to go so I say I'll finish the girls off for him.... then I bail... I realized looking back on it that I should have gone up to the girls and said something like "so how was that guys game?" "did you feel attracted?" etc and put him in the frame of being a pickup guy but not me. Next up would be "if a guy were to hit on you, what would be the best introduction line to use", then use that line they give to me on them ;)

This was my last set (only out for 1½ hours) and we walked over to the smoking area and discussed game for the rest of hte night (the whole 15 minutes of it), everyone had to bail on me so I went home as well.

Overall a good night, and im glad I went out and did something rather than just sleeping or sitting around like a chode at home. Next step in my game is more isolation game and running esp/strawberry fields/5 questions/cube etc in isolation. Along with this is opening more mixed sets (vodka opener works well) and also NOT BAILING (lol, I never get blown out, I just leave, like wtf...), these will be overcome in the following weeks.

Last thing, Is from stevepavlina podcast #9 (, it rules, go there), is a quote from one of the richest property guys int the world. He was explaining how he started in real estate and said this "for 2 years I rang up 25 companies a day, 5 days a week and asked for work", then he added "I swear to god, you can be the worst person in the world on the phone, you call 25 people a day for 2 years and someone will hire you". It applies so well to sarging, all you have to do is get out there, approach sets and have fun. I feel like doing something like a week straight of sarging, day sarging, night sarging etc. Just keep being social and always be talking no matter where I am, train, bus, shops everywhere. Playing the train game just catching the train back and forwards between my house and the city and talking to everyone on there for a full day.

Its like talking about those guys who work with steel beams in skyscrapers, the first 2 weeks are hell as your body tries to stop you from dying up on those beams (emotional mind doesn't understand there is no harm). Then after about 2 weeks of solid work it just becomes normal and you no longer feel fear. This is how to get over sarging fear, just talk non stop for 2 weeks to everyone, all day and all night and the fear will just disappear and it all becomes completely natural :)

Have Fun,


-- Solace

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